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Strategic Financial Planning

At The CFO Limited we pride ourselves on being able to take your vision and business model and covert it into a financial projection. This can be used to secure your financial future by ensuring that you have visibility of the financial needs of your organisation as it grows.

You may have a fantastic vision for the business that you own or manage. You may well have great visibility of your current and historic trading, But how do your vision and your results to date translate into the future?

Are your expectations realistic? Are there opportunities above and beyond your own vision?

Many business make profits but run out of cash as they grow, meaning that they become unsustainable. We can help identify these pinch points and give you the tools to be able to seek the right level of finance to meet these challenges head on.

We can challenge your assumptions and provide sensitivity analysis that shows what will happen if things change.

For more details and a no commitment discussion CONTACT US.